Second Review of Scottish Parliament Boundaries - Further Proposals for Regions

Closes 14 Apr 2025

Opened 14 Mar 2025


Our Further Proposals for Scottish Parliament Regions

Below is a map showing our Further Proposals for consultation. We are consulting on the following Region:

  • Glasgow - new boundary

This is the third round of consultation on region boundaries. The proposed Glasgow region is similar to the existing Glasgow region boundary except by Cardonald. Our proposals no longer include an East Kilbride constituency in a Glasgow Region.

Map of Further Proposals for Glasgow Region

What is happening?

The Second Review of Scottish Parliament Boundaries started in September 2022. Since then we have consulted on proposals for constituencies and in January and February 2025 we consulted on regions for the second time, our  Revised Proposals.

After considering useful feedback and alternative suggestions provided during the Revised Proposal stage, Boundaries Scotland has reverted to the South Scotland and Central Scotland (now named Central Scotland and Lothians West) regions it previously consulted on during the Provisional Proposals stage (September to October 2024).  All other regions are unchanged from the previous consultation stages and will form the Final Recommendations, subject to satisfactory regions being designed in neighbouring areas. There will be no further consultation on these regions.

As before the rules that govern Scottish Parliament region design are

  • a constituency must fall wholly within a region.
  • the electorate of a region must be as near the regional electorate of each of the other regions as is practicable, having regard (where appropriate) to special geographical considerations.

Why is this happening?

Boundaries Scotland undertakes reviews of Scottish Parliament boundaries every 8-12 years to ensure each region or constituency has an equal number of electors.

What Boundaries Scotland says

Once again we want to hear the views of the public on our proposals, we will reflect on responses to the consultation before agreeing our Final Recommendations. We strongly encourage people to make their views heard. 

This review is of electoral boundaries (constituencies and regions) only and therefore does not affect any other boundaries (UK constituencies, local authorities, community councils, health boards etc).  For individuals, this review does not affect the council area in which they live nor the way local services are accessed. 

Why your views matter

Your views play a vital role in shaping our boundaries and they also provide important local knowledge to help us improve our proposals. 

We are also consulting on our Supplementary Proposals for Scottish Parliament Constituencies. Click here to take part in that consultation.

Give us your views on our Further Proposals for Regions